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Show Your Support!
Minnesota Support Our Troops License Plate

Support Our Troops License Plates
Drive home your support for Minnesota Military members, Veterans and their families by purchasing a Support our Troops (SOT) license plate for your car or motorcycle.
The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, together with the Minnesota Department of Military Affairs, will use your annual minimum contribution of $30 for the betterment of military families and homeless and underserved Veterans around the state.
Deployments and military service can put a strain on families, finances and health. Here’s how your donation helps Minnesota military, Veterans and families:
What does it support?
- Benefits CORE, which provides family counseling, with specialty services available for children; financial counseling, debt management and mental health counseling.
- Emergency financial assistance
- Grants through Support our Troops program
- Helping Homeless Veterans secure shelter and access to benefits
- Outreach to diverse communities across Minnesota, helping provide Veterans with access to the benefits they have earned
- Community seminars on health conditions associated with military service
How to purchase?
To purchase SOT plates, visit your local DMV office or call (651) 4Troops (487-6677).
SOT plates are also available from dealerships! Be sure to ask about SOT plates when you purchase your next new or used vehicle.
Updates for Veterans

On Wednesday, March 16th a number of Veterans’ organizations met at the St. Paul Armory to hear talks of legislation from several legislators and especially Bob Detmer, Chair of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. There was great unity in our agenda. After that session many Veterans marched to the State Office buildings to meet and greet our Representatives and Senators. We hope that they will support our agenda for our Veterans. It is imperative that all of us contact our Representatives and Senators to demand their support for Veterans.
On Monday, March 21st the Committee met to discuss Veterans’ issues. That Committee is chaired by our friend Bob Detmer, a great Veteran of Iraq. Bob flew an Apache in that arena. He has supported Veterans’ issues his entire career on the Hill. We should call and email him our support.
The issues raised during that meeting were:
- Fishing/Hunting licenses for VETS.
- Amendments to the Spousal Survivor Benefit changing it from 8 years to lifetime survivors.
- Amending the language for the Commissioner.
Commander’s Update

Hello everyone! The Minnesota AMVETS State Convention is only two months away. I am asking the AMVETS members of the State of Minnesota to offer some constructive suggestions to some items within the State. Please plan to attend, or ensure that delegates from your Post attend to offer suggestions.
Effective communication within the ranks of Minnesota AMVETS is basically non-existent. I do not have the answer of how to correct this setback, but I will give you an example. This Commander’s Update will be posted on the Minnesota State AMVETS website. This update will be emailed, as an attachment, to the listed Point of Contact (POC) for each AMVETS Post in Minnesota. The POC for each AMVETS Post will be asked to share this information with the Post members. Many members of each AMVETS Post in Minnesota no longer live near the Post that they joined as Life Time members several years ago; therefore those members are no longer in the communication loop of the local Post.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016: I traveled to Post 53, Onamia, and visited with the Post Commander, Allen Weyaus. The Minnesota/Norwegian Troop Exchange is scheduled for June 16-30, 2016. Sometime during this timeframe, the Norwegian Home Guard Soldiers will attend the Annual Native American Pow Wow in Onamia. Now folks, this is not just local or state level news, this is International news! I will be traveling to Camp Ripley in April to assist in deploying National Guard Soldiers from Minnesota. At that time, I hope to visit with the Camp Ripley Post Commander, whom was once my Battalion Commander, on the upcoming Troop Exchange. There is the news: please share this news with every AMVETS member that you encounter!
During the timeframe of November 8-14, 2015, AMVETS National Headquarters authorized free annual membership (for one year) to new members for 2016 if they applied for membership during “Veterans’ Day” week. That program was very successful; thousands of new AMVET members came on board, nationwide. The program MIGHT be offered again for the 2017 membership year: stay tuned for updates!
Posts – Get Your Own Page!

Hey there MN AMVETS posts! you can have your own post page on the Department website!
Do you want to be able to maintain your own page and show everyone what your post is doing? We can make that happen! It is very quick and easy to set up and even easier to maintain!
Let us know if you would like this. All you need is someone from your post who has access to a computer. We’ll provide some quick training and a how-to document.
Contact the Department Office to request a page.
Welcome to MN Department of American Veterans (AMVETS)